威尼斯人博彩区残疾服务办公室的使命是确保残疾学生在他们的教育追求中有平等的机会. We provide students an opportunity to obtain their academic goals by fostering inclusion and support.
The Office of 残疾人服务 provides a variety of resources and support, including:
- 协助安排课程和考试住宿
- 与导师沟通
- 校园无障碍信息
- 校园残障意识教育
- 手语翻译或转录服务
- Coordination of support programs with other campus departments
- 协助解决关注事项
- 社区威尼斯人娱乐城资讯
The Office of 残疾人服务 provides access to students with disabilities, 学生对他们的成功负有责任. Our objective is to support this process and encourage students to strive to obtain their goals.
Please contact your respective campus office to schedule an appointment with our office. Appointments are available during normal business hours, both in person and virtually.
住宿是为个人量身定制的,而不是残疾,并基于每个学生的文件和入学信息中包含的信息. Students with the same type of disability may receive distinct types of in-class accommodation. 可能的住宿包括但不限于:
- 补充笔记服务
- 延长考试和测验的时间
- Alternative test location that provides a reduced distraction environment
- 优先安排座位
- Test reader
- Test scribe
- 电子格式的书籍
- 手语翻译
- Allowance of assistive devices, such as recorders or a computer, for note taking
远程教育设施, blended or other courses with online components may differ from in person or traditional courses. Please contact the Office of 残疾人服务 for assistance.
残疾服务办公室(ODS)致力于确保有关学生的所有信息按照法律要求或允许保密. 提供给ODS的信息被认为是保密的,没有学生的书面许可,不会透露给第三方或威尼斯人博彩区的其他部门.
To request your documentation, please contact your respective campus. Thank you.
根据美国残疾人协会, an individual with a disability is defined as a person who: (1) has a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more life activities; (2) has a record of such impairment; or (3) is regarded as having such impairment. Major life activities include but are not limited to walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working, 照顾好自己, 执行手工任务.
The ADA prohibits discrimination solely based on disability in employment, 公共服务, 和住宿. The person in consideration must be otherwise qualified for the job, program, or service.
ADA详细说明了管理需求, 申诉程序, and the consequences for non-compliance related to both services and employment. 《威尼斯人博彩》要求提供合理的, effective accommodation for eligible students across educational activities and settings.
9月25日, 2008, the President signed the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 ("ADA Amendments Act" or "Act"). 该法案强调,残疾的定义应在《威尼斯人博彩》条款允许的最大范围内有利于广泛覆盖个人,而不需要进行广泛的分析.
该法案对“残疾”一词的定义进行了重大修改,拒绝了最高法院的几项裁决和平等就业机会委员会《威尼斯人博彩》规定的部分内容. 这些变化的影响是使根据《威尼斯人博彩》寻求保护的个人更容易确定他或她在《威尼斯人博彩》的意义上有残疾.
Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination based on disability in programs, 公营及私营, 接受联邦财政援助. Section 504 includes institutions regardless of whether they have open door, selective, 或者竞争性招生实践.
根据1964年《威尼斯人娱乐城》第七章,残疾人享有同样的法律救济, 1991年修订. Thus, 受到歧视的个人可以向有关联邦机构投诉或向联邦法院起诉. Enforcement agencies encourage informal mediation and voluntary compliance.
1990年的《威尼斯人博彩》(ADA)和1973年的《威尼斯人娱乐城》第504条旨在确保学院和大学在招聘时不受歧视, admission, 以及学生的待遇.
在这两项法律的应用中, students with disabilities must be qualified to participate in college activities. 合格的残疾学生是指符合入学要求和威尼斯人娱乐城或服务的基本资格要求的学生, 有或没有:
- 规则、政策或程序的修改
- removal of architectural, communication, or transportation barriers
- 提供辅助设备和服务.
The law requires higher education institutions to ensure that all programs, services, or facilities are accessible to or usable by persons with disabilities. 法律不要求:
- making each facility accessible if alternatives are effective
- 节目或服务的根本改变
- 不当的财政或行政负担.
The College District is under no obligation to change academic requirements which the College District, programs, or majors can demonstrate are essential to the program of instruction or to any direct licensing requirement.
The College District does not have to provide personal attendants, 单独规定的设备, 读者个人使用或学习, 或其他个人性质的设备或服务, such as tutoring or typing (United States Office of Civil Rights, July 2002).
该法律没有要求对残疾学生给予特殊待遇,但确实要求学生有机会平等参与学院区的威尼斯人娱乐城. 这是通过为符合条件和合格的学生提供适当的学术调整来实现的,这些调整是必要的,以促进学生充分参与学院区的学术课程.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://www.ada.gov/.
联邦法律要求学院和大学考虑合理修改出勤政策,以适应学生的残疾. In making this determination, two questions must be answered:
学生是否有直接影响他/她正常上课的残疾记录? 残疾服务将根据学生的医生或心理学家提供的文件进行审查,并在学生提交给指导老师的信中提供验证.
出勤率是课程的重要组成部分吗? Would modification of attendance policies result in a fundamental alteration of the curriculum? Faculty members make this determination in consultation with ODS.
- Is there classroom interaction between the instructor and students and among students?
- Do student contributions constitute a significant component of the learning process?
- Does the fundamental nature of the course rely on student participation as an essential method for learning?
- 一个学生的缺席在多大程度上对班上其他学生的教育经历构成了重大损失?
- 课程描述和教学大纲是怎么说的?
- 用什么方法计算最终成绩?
- What are the classroom practices and policies regarding attendance?
ODS建议与残疾相关的学生在出勤方面需要灵活性,与他们的导师会面,讨论在多大程度上修改出勤政策对特定班级来说是合理的. 学生和老师应该清楚地了解残疾相关缺课可以提供哪些便利. In cases where attendance is an essential part of the class, a medical or mental health withdrawal may be considered reasonable accommodation if absences become excessive. ODS is available to consult with faculty on issues concerning disability and attendance. No accommodation exists that allows a student to miss class simply because of their disability. Class attendance is considered an essential element of the course unless otherwise noted in the course syllabus.
无论残疾的类型或严重程度如何, all 威尼斯人博彩 District students must adhere to the policies, rules, and regulations of the Code of Conduct section in the Student Handbook as approved by the 校董会.
For more information, please review the college’s policies, http://fkh.syria-events.com/syllabus-policies/.